Happy gay pride month

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In the Reform Jewish community, many congregations celebrate Pride Month by holding a 'Pride Shabbat' and by sending a contingent to march in their local pride parades. Historically, it is this guiding principle that has led the Reform Jewish Movement to fight for civil rights, women's rights and rights for the LGBT community.

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Jewish tradition teaches that every person is created b'tzelem elohim (Genesis 1:27), in the image of God and is thus, worthy of respect and dignity. Reform Jews are committed to the full participation of gays and lesbians in synagogue life, as well as society at large.

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Yet, Pride Month also serves to memorialize and honor those who have died of hate crimes and HIV/AIDS. Today, Pride Month is observed in communities across the country with parades, festivals, and other joyful events that celebrate the LGBT community. The month of June is Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Pride Month, originally designed to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots in Manhattan, which were a major turning point for LGBT issues in the United States.

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